Angelica Ross Reveals Emma Roberts Called Her To Apologize For Transphobic Comments



Angelica Ross didn’t hold back when it came to sharing her recent encounter with actress Emma Roberts. In a recent turn of events, it appears that Emma has reached out to Angelica to apologize after allegations of transphobic comments surfaced.

The story started with Angelica Ross using Instagram Live as her platform to bring attention to a problematic incident. During her live stream on Tuesday night, Angelica did not explicitly mention Emma Roberts by name, referring to her only as “Miss E.R.” She recounted an incident on the set of American Horror Story where she alleged that Emma had made transphobic comments.

Angelica described the moment, saying, “I’m standing in front of Emma, talking to her like this, and she’s in front of me, her back against the mirror. She goes, ‘Angelica’s being mean.'” It was a seemingly innocuous comment until Emma followed it up with something that Angelica found deeply troubling. Angelica continued, “She then looks at me and she goes, ‘Don’t you mean lady?’ And she turns around like this and covers her mouth [with her shirt].”

Angelica’s reaction was one of disbelief and discomfort. She explained, “I’m standing there, she walked away, my blood is boiling. Because I’m like, if I say something, it’s gonna be me that’s the problem.”

Angelica’s decision not to confront Emma on the spot was influenced by a fear of repercussions, as she mentioned someone else had previously spoken up about Emma’s behavior and faced consequences for doing so. 

“I’m standing there, she walked away, my blood is boiling. Because I’m like, if I say something, it’s gonna be me that’s the problem. And I know this because there was someone who spoke up about what she was doing and they got repercussions from it. Not her—they did.”

So, she chose to remain silent, not engaging with Emma for the rest of their time working together on set.

“So when I saw that happening, I was just like, ‘I’m done.’ I didn’t speak to that b**** the entire time after that. So we had scenes together and I never spoke to her. She said to me she could feel the energy coming off of me. She was like, ‘Are you OK? You haven’t been talking.’ I’m like, ‘Mmmhmm.’ ‘Cause b**** don’t play me. You’ve been playing mind games with everybody on the set and everybody’s been waiting for the moment that you would get me.”

Unsurprisingly, Angelica’s revelations sparked a significant reaction on social media, with many people sharing their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

The story then took another twist when Emma Roberts reached out to Angelica to apologize. Angelica took to X (formerly Twitter) to share the news, writing, “Thank you @RobertsEmma for calling and apologizing, recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally.” She left the door open for further dialogue, indicating her willingness to follow up on Emma’s desire to improve and support social justice causes with her platform.

This development suggests that Emma Roberts is taking steps to acknowledge her past actions and make amends. It also highlights the importance of addressing issues related to discrimination and fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment, even in the entertainment industry.

Angelica Ross’s candid sharing of her experience sheds light on the complexities of working relationships in the entertainment world and the importance of addressing issues related to discrimination. Emma Roberts’ decision to reach out and apologize is a step in the right direction towards understanding and reconciliation. The story serves as a reminder that open dialogue and accountability can lead to positive change.