Last Friday, the Full House actor was laid to rest. Since then his widow, Kelly Rizzo, has taken to social media to write a lengthy tribute to her husband whom she adored.
“After much reflection this week, I’m trying, really trying, to not think I was robbed of time. But instead to think: How lucky was I that I got to be the one to be married to THE MOST INCREDIBLE MAN ON EARTH.”
“I was the one who got to go on this crazy ride with him and be in his life these last 6 years. We had that time to make each other the happiest we’d ever been and change each other’s lives forever. I got to be the one to love him and cherish him. He deserves all the love. Every ounce of it. Because that’s how amazing Bob was. He was love. If you were in his life you KNEW he loved you. He never missed an opportunity to tell you.”
“Most importantly. I have no regrets,” Rizzo continued. “We loved each other so damn much and told each other 500 times every day. Constantly. I know how much he loved me until the very last moment and he knew the same. I’m so grateful for that. Not everyone gets that.”
According to TMZ, around 300 people attended the funeral to show the love and support to Bob and his family. Following the funeral, Full House creator Jeff Franklin was said to have thrown a reception at his house.