Christina Aguilera Talks Cosmetic Procedures



Christina Aguilera is getting real about her appearance. 

The 42-year-old “Genie In A Bottle” superstar got very candid in a new interview with Allure. In the conversation, she opened up about cosmetic procedures she had done to her face – and why. 

Christina spoke about the cosmetic injectables she’s had and why she chose the particular procedures and brands she did:

“I think it’s great to share and to be honest and open about what you’re doing — in your comfort zone, of course. I’ve always been a pretty open book about embracing my body, my looks, and things like that.

But I’m a pretty reserved person when it comes to a lot of things. I think to each their own, and I think we [should] all do what’s right for us, so I don’t believe in judgment where that’s concerned whatsoever. But for me, I like to make sure what I put in my body is the safest it can be. I live a big life.

When I’m on stage, authenticity in my face comes first. I have a very expressive face, and when I sing, the emotion there has got to come through. I don’t have time to have a stoic, still face. For me, it’s about bringing that realness to the stage and my daily life while still doing what I can to feel and look my best. So Xeomin felt like the safest choice for me.”

She also spoke about things she discussed with her dermatologist prior to getting the procedures done:

“I asked questions for sure. I have a lot of glam people around me who work with other celebrities and whatnot, so I’m always hearing about so many new [cosmetic procedures]. It can be stressful just within itself being like, ‘Oh my God, there’s so many options.’ Some are harder than others, and I’m like, ‘What’s the pain factor here? What are we talking?’ I want to know.

I take care of myself, too. I’ve never been a lover of the sun… My vampire ways have helped the skin a little bit. I’ve tried so many different things and expensive routes, and I always come back to Cetaphil. I do not fuss with a 50-step beauty baloney routine. It’s just not for me. For some people that might work, and they might like the experience of the whole thing. I’m a mama. I mean, I’d rather be in my bed on my time off playing Nintendo Switch.”

On scrutiny about her appearance, she had this to say:

“I see some people struggle with it more than others, and it makes me really sad, but it’s not even their fault. It’s a lot of stigma, a lot of old-school behavior and ideals that women have to look a certain way and that it’s shameful to get older. I’ve grown up in this business. I started performing at six or seven and then I broke when I was a teenager. No matter what you do, you’re going to have people that hate on you. The bigger you are and the more successful, unfortunately, that comes with more hate or more scrutiny. And I’m a very sensitive person, but I’m also very tough at the end of the day,

Social media wasn’t around when I was coming up, and now I feel bad for people that don’t want to be in the business and just look at comments. My daughter’s not there yet with looking or posting yet, but I’m very conscious of the day when these things happen. The re-release of the ‘Beautiful’ video was about being mindful of what we’re teaching our kids. I always try to impose individuality, doing what she feels is right for her. Even when she goes to pick out her clothes and she’s like, ‘I just don’t know what to wear.’ I’m like, ‘Wear what you like. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day. You’re going to have an amazing day and you’re going to feel amazing. It’s just clothes.’”