Here’s What Selena Gomez Is Looking For In A Romantic Partner



Selena Gomez, the 31-year-old entertainer, recently spilled the beans on what she’s looking for in a romantic partner during an interview on SiriusXM Hits 1 LA with Tony Fly and Simon.

When asked about her dating requirements, Selena kept it refreshingly straightforward, saying, “You gotta be cool, man. Not cool in the sense that people think you’re cool. You just gotta be nice and like, please make me laugh and also just be good to my family and people around you.” So, in essence, kindness and humor top her list.

She also emphasized that she has standards when it comes to relationships, and she’s not buying into the misconception that standards are the same as being high maintenance. Selena wants what she deserves, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. She said:

“I think I have standards, and I think I live in a world right nor where boys confuse standards with high maintenance.”

Currently, Selena is embracing the single life. She shared her perspective, saying, “I think everybody goes through the phase of, ‘oh, it’d be nice to like have someone,’ and I get that. But you know, I’m just enjoying where I’m at and I just want to be happy with who I am so that whenever that person comes into my life, I can just have them add on to me instead of being this insecure, you know, person that I normally used to be.” It’s all about personal growth and being content with oneself.

During the conversation, interviewer Tony Fly made a thoughtful observation, suggesting that Selena’s message to her fans might be, “Don’t worry about me anymore.” Selena appreciated the sentiment, responding, “Yeah, actually, that’s a really sweet way of putting it. I’m so grateful that people have listened to my journey and hopefully related to it and understood that I was just trying to show everyone that I wasn’t in a good place. But it wasn’t because I just wanted freedom from all of that negativity. And once I released it, it just, it feels so much better. I mean, I have new problems, but now I can figure them out on my own.”

Selena Gomez is all about personal happiness, self-improvement, and having standards in her romantic life. She’s not rushing into anything, and she’s appreciative of her journey and the support she’s received from her fans along the way. It’s a refreshingly grounded approach to love and life.