Matthew Perry’s Official Cause Of Death Confirmed



Matthew Perry passed away suddenly on October 28, 2023. He was found in his jacuzzi. The beloved Friends actor was 54 at the time of this death. 

Now, two months after his tragic passing, new details have been released about his death. 

On Friday (December 15), Matthew’s official cause of death has been revealed. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office released Matthew’s toxicology report. The report revealed that he died of “acute effects of ketamine,” according to outlets. 

In case you did not know, ketamine is a drug that is used in the treatment of depression. It can also be used recreationally. 

The medical examiner concluded in his report that Matthew had taken ketamine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety, about a week and a half before his heartbreaking death. But the ketamine found in his system at the time of his passing “could not be from that infusion therapy, since ketamine’s half-life is 3 to 4 hours, or less.”

The medical examiner stated that the ketamine in the actor’s system caused both cardiovascular overstimulation as well as respiratory depression. 

The report confirmed that there was no evidenced or alcohol cocaine, PCP, fentanyl, heroin, or methamphetamine in his system. 

Contributory factors in Matthew’s passing are said to include drowning, coronary artery disease, and buprenorphine effects. Buprenorphine is said to be used in weening addicts off opioids.