This Is Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake’s Secret To Keeping Marriage Alive



Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are definitely one of Hollywood’s hottest celebrity couples. The two have been married for almost a decade, and continue to maintain a strong, sizzling-hot connection. 

Now, Jessica is revealing their relationship secrets. 

At Candy’s For Your Consideration event on Monday, the actress talked about their secret to keeping their marriage alive, almost 10 years in. She credited her husband, saying:

“It’s a really good question, right? Well, I’ll have to give Justin the credit in this moment, for this one thing that he always says to me: ‘We might be married, but we have to keep dating,’ and it’s so true.

You just have to keep making time for each other and you have to keep making each other a priority. And do the things that you love together.”

She acknowledged that marriage is not always a walk in the park, but things like this can help couples see each other through the challenging times:

“It’s not always easy, as we all know, but those touch point moments make all the hard times palatable.”

Jessica and Justin stepped out arm in arm for the event:

“It’s always fun to celebrate something that you’re proud of, and to do it with him and have a glass of wine – it feels special, it does.”