Elliot Page Says He Had Sex ‘All The Time’ With Olivia Thirlby On The Set Of ‘Juno’



Elliot Page is spilling the beans on his previous sexual relationship with Olivia Thirlby. 

The 36-year-old actor wrote in his new memoir Pageboy that the 36-year-old actress was the “first woman I had a suitably consensual sexual relationship with.” 

Elliot and Olivia co-starred in the 2007 Oscar-winning film Juno. Elliot played the titular character, while Olivia played Juno’s best friend Leah. He said:

‘We were the same age, but she seemed to much older, capable and centered. 

Sexually open, far removed from where I was at the time.”

Elliot stated that their “chemistry was palpable” and that he was “embarrashingly shy” around Olivia. The two of them became fast friends, and one night at their hotel room she told him:

“I’m really attracted to you.”

He said the same back to her, and then:

“We started sucking face. It was on.

We started having sex all the time: Her hotel room, in our trailers at work, once in a tiny, private room in a restaurant. What were we thinking? We thought we were subtle.”

Elliot said of his sexual escapades with Olivia:

“Being intimate with Olivia helped my shame dissipate. 

I didn’t see a glint of it in her eyes and I wanted that – done feeling wretched about who I am.”