Emma Stone Would Like To Be Called By Her Real Name, Emily



In a candid revelation, Emma Stone, celebrated actress and star of The Curse, expressed her desire for the world to know her by her true name, Emily.

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter alongside her co-star Nathan Fielder, Fielder made a refreshing announcement. “Before we continue, I’d like to say something. Her name’s Emily, but she goes by Emma professionally. So when there’s people that don’t know her, I end up saying Emma. But I’m going to just say Emily from here on,” he declared.

This declaration came as a gentle reminder of Stone’s birth name, Emily Stone, which she had to relinquish professionally due to a preexisting actor named Emily Stone in the Screen Actors Guild.

Acknowledging the shift in nomenclature, Stone explained, “When I get to know them, people that I work with do. It’s just because my name was taken [by another actor in SAG]. Then I freaked out a couple of years ago. For some reason, I was like, ‘I can’t do it anymore. Just call me Emily.’” She further revealed that Nathan affectionately refers to her as “Em.”

When asked if she would like for her fans to call her by her real name too, Stone expressed her appreciation, stating, “That would be so nice. I would like to be Emily.”

This candid admission sheds light on the personal journey of a Hollywood icon reclaiming her authentic self. As fans and colleagues alike embrace the transition, it serves as a poignant reminder of the power of self-assertion and the importance of honoring one’s true identity. So let’s celebrate and honor Emily Stone, the brilliant talent behind the captivating performances that have graced both the silver screen and our hearts.