Landon Barker Has Tourette Syndrome



Landon Barker, the 20-year-old musician and son of Travis Barker, has taken a courageous step by opening up about his journey with Tourette syndrome. In a candid TikTok video earlier this week, Landon shared insights into his life, revealing that he has been living with a “very, very minor” case of the neurological disorder since childhood.

Reflecting on his earliest memories, Landon reminisced, “I’ve had it for as long as I can remember, like pre-school.” He even shared a quirky anecdote from his school days, recalling, “I remember exactly because the teacher used to accuse me of rolling my eyes at her because one of my tics was [moves eyes around] that. It was, like, a weird thing I do with my eyes.”

Tourette syndrome, characterized by involuntary physical or verbal tics, has been a constant companion in Landon’s life. Over the years, he has witnessed the evolution of his symptoms, with certain tics fading away and new ones taking their place. Currently, Landon navigates his journey with head jerks and jaw movements as his primary tics.

In a moment of vulnerability, Landon shared that his tics tend to intensify in nerve-wracking situations. “It really just acts up in nervous situations or nerve-wracking environments for me,” he admitted. The honesty in his tone and the courage to share his personal struggles reflect not only a desire for self-expression but also a commitment to raising awareness about Tourette syndrome.

Acknowledging the importance of destigmatizing neurological disorders, Landon concluded, “But I thought I’d just share because why not?” His nonchalant approach to sharing such a personal aspect of his life is not just refreshing but also serves as a powerful reminder that embracing one’s uniqueness, even in the face of challenges, is a journey worth celebrating.

As society moves towards a more inclusive and accepting stance on mental health and neurological conditions, Landon Barker’s decision to share his experience becomes a pivotal moment. By bringing Tourette syndrome into the spotlight, he contributes to breaking down the walls of silence and fostering a community where individuals feel seen and heard.